The knowledge portal hosted on our website provides our visitors with information content structured in the form of “topics”.

These sheets are linked to each other by a set of links, allowing the visitor to navigate in a user-friendly way.  Different types of cards exist. Registered visitors can mark topics as favourites to consult them later on their personal page, thus creating their personal legal database. To see the tools available, click here.

From time to time, e².law lawyers may refer you to some of this content as part of a legal opinion.

About Us  


We wish to capitalise on the experience gained by the firm to :

  • improve access to legal information;
  • fight against the perception that the litigant may have of the law as something boring;
  • offer an innovative legal service based on the technological possibilities of digitalization;
  • providing our clients who want to learn (more) for themselves with qualitative sources of information;
  • structuring the collective learning of the members of the firm around a common platform (permanent training notes, research in files,…) on which to build during subsequent assignments;
  • to have a reflection of the firm’s activity and know-how.

What content? 

The forms contain mainly text and visuals.   The content of these forms can be reused, thanks to “shortcodes” (IT functionality allowing to reproduce the content of a specific page on another page) in:

  • contextual questionnaires (allowing the visitor to vary the display content according to the choices he or she has made when answering a questionnaire)
  • lessons from e-learning software installed on this website.

Some of the forms may contain model documents.


The product of our work is injected into this portal, as and when we provide legal advice. For example, when lawyers are asked to deal with interesting topics and concepts for which legal research has been carried out, they are invited to put aside a short summary in a trello card, or to complete a post directly on the site.

No client information is ever circulated in the knowledge portal.

How is this content used?

Besides the freely accessible content, some of the content is intended to be reserved:

  • sometimes to Internet users or to our clients, depending on the level of access granted to them
  • sometimes to the firm’s lawyers, who can thus find easily reusable information for each subject.

How can we keep a trace on a durable medium

The posts you have marked as favourites and the questionnaires you have saved (or sent) can be found in your personal space.

The questionnaires are intended to give you a contextualised view of the content hosted on this portal in relation to the situation you have described.  You can save this as a pdf via your browser.

Legal aspects of use

Licence to use 

You have the right to copy and save the information on the pages of this portal for your own use or for use in connection with your professional activities, regardless of the link you have.

If you find the information useful, do not hesitate to tell us about it. Where possible, please feel free to share the information on the internet.  You can share this content on the internet.

If you find that something could be improved or something you did not like or is inaccurate, please contact us directly, so that we can see how we can improve this project.

You are not allowed to alter the content of the website.

Date of update and changes

The date on which the content was modified is displayed on each form. Please pay attention to this date.

We update this content as needed in our files.  Legal information on this website may not be updated immediately

The content of the knowledge portal is subject to reorganisation, especially as it is still under development.

Value of the content published on this knowledge base – limitations of liability

The use of this knowledge portal is subject to the general limitations of liability expressed in the terms of use of the website.

  • Information available and freely accessible on the portal, without the intervention of a lawyer

The information contained in this Knowledge Base is an aid to the understanding of the legal topics covered.  This information alone never constitutes legal advice.  In some cases, the references may have become inaccurate (e.g. due to changes in the law) or incomplete (because another legal standard would be applicable to a specific situation).

Obtaining an adequate legal solution to a particular situation may require taking into account elements not provided on this portal, requiring a specific assessment of the facts, and legal advice.  In these cases, a personalised intervention by a lawyer or a legal expert is necessary. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • References made to this website in the course of our activities as lawyers.

Sometimes we refer to a page of this portal. This is because it can efficiently complete the framework of a legal opinion.  Where appropriate, we draw content from the visible and invisible parts of the portal to feed our legal opinions.

We simply ensure that the content of the page to which our client is specifically referred is up to date at the time we make the reference. This reference does not constitute a legal opinion for which we are responsible. Our involvement and liability is strictly limited to legal advice given orally, by e-mail or in a memorandum.

Changes to the terms of use

We reserve the right to change these terms of use.

Questions and suggestions 

Please feel free to send them to