Unique director of a public limited company (Société Anonyme/nameloze vennootschap)

Under  the  new  Belgian  Code  of  Companies  and  Associations  (CSA)  applicable  since 1 May 2019 – with the exception of  certain  transitional  provisions  –  a  public  limited company may have only one director, whereas previously three directors were required. In addition, of course, the following  possibility  remains  open:  a  single-level  board of directors (through a collegial board of directors), a two-level  board  of  directors  (supervisory  board  and  management board).

The articles of association of a corporation  may  now  stipulate  that  the  corporation  is managed by a single director, who may or may  not  be  appointed  in  the  articles  of association (Article 7:101 CSA). A statutory director is  therefore  possible  with  the possibility that the articles of association provide that the sole director is  jointly  and severally liable for the company’s obligations, or that his consent  is  required  for  any amendment of the articles of association, for any distribution to shareholders or for his     own  resignation  (veto right).

However, even if, according to the Statutes, the sole director must accept his resignation, the General Assembly may terminate his mandate without his consent, subject to compliance with the conditions of presence and majority for an amendment of the Statutes, if there are legitimate reasons for doing so (Article 7:101 §4  CSA).

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